
The registration fee is as follows:

           Date               Regular               Student          Accompanying Person
Before Aug. 15, 2025 2800 RMB (390 USD) 2300 RMB (320 USD) 1200 RMB (170 USD)
After Aug. 16, 2025 3300 RMB (460 USD) 2800 RMB (390 USD) 1500 RMB (210 USD)

1. Participants are required to register on the conference website (, pay the fee online and fill in the invoice information.
2. Welcome all professors and students who do not give a presentation to register and participate the conference.
3. More registration information can be found in the following website:

The registration system is operated by a third party organiser, please execuse any inconvenice may encountered.
If there is any problem, please contact ICANDVC conference organisers by email.