
Kempinski Hotel Dalian,No. 92 Jiefang Road,Zhongshan,Dalian


Conference Hotels

We recommend the Kempinski Hotel Dalian (Conference Venue) for your option, which has better rate for us.

• The room rates are as follows

           Room type               Room rate/per night
Twin bed room 500 RMB
Double bed room 500 RMB

• Please scan the QR code below to complete the room reservation.
    The conference affairs team will reserve the room according to your booking requirements. If there are any changes before October 15, 2024, please contact customer service (Tel/Wechat:15942696157) for modifications. After October 15, changes will no longer be processed. Please arrive at the hotel on time according to the booking date. Please note that the payment made when booking is a deposit, and the room rate needs to be paid at the hotel reception. By attending on the scheduled date,the deposit will be refunded to the original payment method within three days after the conference ends.
    请扫描下面的微信二维码完成房间预定。会务组将根据您的订房要求保留房间,2024年10月15日前如有变更请联系客服更改,10月15日后将不再处理变更信息, 请您按预订日期准时抵达酒店。请注意,预定时所缴纳的费用为订金,房费需要抵连后在酒店前台缴纳。按预定日期参会,订金会在会议结束后的三天内原路返还。

      Room reservations only support WeChat payment. If you encounter any problems while booking, please contact the    hotel booking agent: 15942696157(also available on WeChat) or the conference secretary:,,

• Example of booking portal:
