We accept two types of submission as follows:
• Extended long abstract (for conference exchange only);
• Full conference paper (for being included in conference proceedings).
Authors should submit papers reporting original work that are currently not under review or published elsewhere. Accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Submissions for full papers must be no less than 11 pages and not exceed 15 pages (including citations) in the given format. We encourage authors to cite related work comprehensively, and when citing conference papers please also consider to cite their extended journal versions if applicable.
ICANDVC 2025 will employ double-blind reviewing process, every research paper submitted to
ICANDVC-2025 will undergo a “double-blind” reviewing process: the PC members and referees who review the paper will not know the identity of the authors.
Because of the double blind review policy, the submission of an extended version of a short paper which has been published elsewhere is strongly
discouraged in ICANDVC-2025.
Please use one of the following templates for the given format:
Please be advised that the submission of a full conference paper necessitates the registration and payment of the registration fee by at least one author for inclusion in the conference proceedings. Furthermore, each registered author is restricted to one paper in the conference proceedings.
Any submitted paper violating the length, file type, or formatting requirements will be rejected without review. For any problems with the submission system, please contact the publication chair directly.
More submission instructions can be found in the following website:>